7th June 2014

Explore the market, checking for fleas

posted in environment |

The weather did go to “summertime great” today; wish there was a beach within hailing distance. Instead, I tucked the thought into a mental corner and compensated. Shorts. Walking barefoot in the grass. Checking the pool, to see if the murky waters are clearing (a little). Decided  to use my exploring time and take a trip to the flea market.

Not much new happening there. The computer guy has moved his business across the way, into smaller quarters with two doors; more to watch and less to sell. I took my time with the exploration, but found no deal good enough to have me open my wallet. In and out in under twenty. Took another road home, and noticed a huge condo development near the box stores. Wonder who will live there? Again, in and out of the electronics shop with nothing acquired (other than a 16GB USB key for $9). To think what we used to pay for a couple of new diskettes that held much less than 1MB all told…

In my ongoing search for “knowledge” I read about bass traps. Not fish bass; sound bass. An excuse to put random panels of insulation in the room, while trying to control invisible hotspots. Thankfully, without a room, there’s no need to get into such things. Extra trivia, in case a conversation turns in that direction.

Today was also my first try of the Aeropress coffee press. Not hard to use, after following several YouTube videos. The coffee is rich and tasty; that may be more a measure of the amount of coffee used (double the grains) than the apparatus. Not as quick and easy as the Saeco, but transportable. Important in the context of mobile life.


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