6th April 2014

Mediocre movie producer

posted in media |

It seems we made less money last year. Or had less money left over at the end of last year. That makes sense. Factor in the inflation rate, and the increase in taxes at most levels (nickel and dime me to death), Add payments for a cellphone that wasn’t even on the radar at the beginning of the cycle, and we did not get into the 1% group, again. Some might count having a smart phone as a plus; I’m less sure.

This was a day for mediocre movies. Specifically, stuff directed by Michael Bay. Not in the same league as some other “name” directors. Lots of CGI, and plot lines that seem accented in crayon colours. I’ll know better the next time around.

While watching a documentary about shipwrecks off the US East coast (had to do something while cooking my Parmesan chicken lumps), the question came up about stuff off the coast of the Island. Lots of rumours, little of substance, although there is a video of someone diving on the George N. Orr. Been there, done that, lost the t-shirt.

The dog’s snow mountain shrunk over the last couple of afternoons. Don’t stop, just because I mentioned it.

In the “not nice to giggle uncontrollably” category: a five year old lad discovered a back door to XBox Live accounts. Hit the space bar a few times, followed by <Enter>. Profit. Not as obvious as 1-2-3-4-5 or “secret” but just as effective. The flaw has been corrected, but it shows that not only the NSA knows how to get around.



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