The lint trap is working overtime
Tonight we were a mallcrawler family, out to eat some fast food and lay a few of those new swell loonies on the merchant class. Now, I’m not suggesting that I had any new money, in the sense of greater income or a windfall or a piggy bank that was miraculously found instead of lost. This was just the average “pay is in and it’s time to spend a little bit”.
The only purchase we made of note was actually a rather conservative one. We replaced our roasting pan. The clay version had returned to its origins: dust to dust, etc. This was a more permanent class of roaster. Solid cast iron construction, Fe to the chemically alert types. Six kilograms of “don’t drop that on your foot, or you’ll know what things are about”. Six kilograms of a box that really started to get intrusive after another hour of shopping. But, conservative. No big screen blue rays for my house.
As we sat enjoying our plastic trays of mall food, the big screen on the wall showed news bulletins. Included, the news that the conservative government has “found” fourteen billion in unspent tax dollars. Talk about finding a piggy bank. The same people that were consistent in their abusive comments towards the Natural Ruling Party for accumulating more tax money than forecast seem to have caught the same disease. Hospitals have “C difficile”; revenue ministries have sticky fingers. One hurts more than the other. Your call which one.
My own income has been frozen (give or take a point) for the last decade, so the extra tax money didn’t come from my paycheck. That means that someone else is just doing so well they don’t care. Perhaps it’s the five percent of Canadians that have made it past the $89,000 “no longer impoverished” line. Still, it’s hard to watch your bank balance on a daily basis while across the river, the monies accumulate like lint in the dryer after a hard day of laundry. My clothes are thinner, and the lint trap has “a surplus”.
I feel abused.