Compressing a Friday
The smartphone update took care of itself, while I wan’t paying attention. Seems to work. Some multi-window feature that will require me to figure out what I can do with yet more detail, but that’s half the fun. Around the same time, I completed my fourth course from Coursera since the start of the year, and my results still surprise me. Back when I was a full-time card-carrying member of the student profession, there were too many other distractions to see me concentrating on good marks and attendance. Now, with the years of being paid to think, I’m a much better student. Ironic.
This was the first compressed Friday of the season at work. Since I tend to keep a regular schedule (controlled by public transit), I will be hanging around on Friday afternoons while others cavort and gavotte. Actually, an almost empty building is pretty easy going, when one works in support. Hardly anybody bothers to call or visit, and I can watch the clock winding down to the “go home hour”.
Had a call from one of the kids, wondering if I had a copy of the LOTR trilogy. Of course… separate volumes, big brick, ebook. He actually wanted something called Blu-ray, and I had to stop and decipher that one. A whole different manner of thinking, when it comes to literature. No, I don’t have a picture show. The print version has much better visuals. Just sayin’.
The is the second long weekend in a row, and it’s too cold to inspire me to anything.