Round one smoke is (always) black
Did my share of recycling at work today. With an order of fifty new laptops, the packing materials are impressive, in volume. After I packed an empty carton full with several hundred plastic bags, and convinced the bundle to stay closed long enough to use the taper, I noticed that the box weighed in close to equal to one of the laptops. Not counting the huge pile of foam spacers, and the crushed down cardboard. There has to be a better way. And not styro peanuts, either.
My luck that the slowmo bus driver was back on schedule today. His schedule. We followed my transfer bus up the avenue on campus, and I stood and watched the rain for forty more minutes. Big penalty for small breach in schedule. Not much to be gained by calling customer service; there was a slight detour on the route, so all complaints are placed in the “disregard” pile. Hey, wait until construction season starts on the ring road, next week. My days will be longer.
The news channels have just one topic right now. What colour is the smoke? Round one: black.
Mandatory golf joke. If you fall into a sinkhole, on the 14th tee, do you get to play the stroke over? No joke for the man involved, but the rest of us can giggle. Someone commented on the CBC website, “Just checked the rule book. It’s a two stroke penalty.” Given the maze of twisty little passages nature of the standard golf rule book, I’m not going to argue.