Negative indicators in my wardrobe choices
As I sit in the comfort of a well lighted and heated home, the fact that thousands are still awaiting current from the last storm (was that Friday?) is hard to imagine. Both Ontario and Quebec. Here’s the dividing line, though. In Ontario, there’s a map available on the web, showing the outage areas. In Quebec, a politely worded press release, with no visual content (unless you count the corporate logo).
My bag is packed for travel. I’ve learned that clothes are colour-coded, according to the seasons, and that no variance will be given in this household. Other negative indicators (as far as my choice of what I’d like to wear) are the “tightness” quotient, and the suitability of fabric. No wonder the wise Chinese went for those pyjama-style garments. And yes, I’ve seen them, for real (on the Island) and yes, if I had ’em, I’d wear ’em.
The dog almost had a new collar today. Actually, he has the collar, but the quick release attachment is not really a great idea for road trips. The collar will stay here, while his hairiness takes a place among the other family members. Already forgiven: the blatent theft of a slice of pizza from an ignored supper plate. Taking big chances there, Four-Foot.
I’m now trying to decide if I want to travel with a traditional laptop, or a tablet and Bluetooth keyboard. The weights are very close, so I may go with what I’m used to. More USB slots for charging phones and ebook readers. The ham radio gear will remain at home.