14th June 2007


posted in media |

Today I discovered that I may have invented a new word.

Somewhere along the way to here, I picked up a synonym for “disproportionate”, and although not given to superlatives, the word remained on the shelf, available for use should the occasion present itself. Yesterday, while writhing writing about the excesses of our last vice-regal representative, I put the word on the tabletop (a visualization of the editing process) and decided to check the spelling… that is to say, I decided to Google for it. Imagine my surprise when only one reference came back. In the land of Google, it’s a bit like quoting pi, but going a few digits too far. Not impossible, but statistically relevant.

Now, imagine my SURPRISE that the reference was to a familiar blog post (written by me several months ago). Something went clang (a cracked bell sound), and I decided that a real dictionary lookup was in order. A visit to “the translation bookshelf” at the office found NO reference, but did draw the attention of our translator, since she often gets me to proof read, and I’m not one who drags out the books in the tiny typefaces very often.

I have a thesaurus or two around here, so I can always find a synonym. In writing, variety is consummate. Spicy. Recommended. But I like the sound of my word; it fits the hole in the wordline.

I may have invented a new word. While waiting for the inclusion in the next OED, I have gone back and replaced my word with a more familiar synonym. My huge Merriam from the depths of the basement bookroom didn’t find my word either, so I may not have to wait very long before the lexicographers are knocking at the door. Or maybe I’ll rate a visit from the language police (not a laughing matter around here).

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