In awe of the long distance swimmer
Please, take a moment and giggle. Another funny woman is no more. Phyllis Diller, from my childhood… and yes, I think she’d want you to giggle.
The first day of the winter campaign is behind me. Only ten long months until summertime. The new hires were in the building, for their induction into the educational army. Each year, my reaction is similar: either they’re hiring younger people than they used to, or I’m getting older. I know, there’s only one correct conclusion (and it is neither of the above). Not really my problem, although I’ll have to provide support, peripherally.
Just out for gas and milk. Managed to pour $80 through the magical fuel nozzle. Scary. Milk, at least, doesn’t require that I purchase huge quantities on a regular basis (although the eight litres won’t last more than a couple of days, what with sons #2 and #3 in the house).
I enjoy reading the different online forums that deal with some of my hobby interests. Wow! Lots of irrational thought out there. The real gems pop up when people try to describe unsatisfactory dealings with various companies. Maybe I’m blessed, but if I had as many hostile confrontations with surly businesspeople, I’d stop paying for stuff.
The young girl that swam across the big lake this weekend (you can get the details on a news site near you) gets my thumbs up. I can’t imagine swimming for twenty seven hours (unless my cruise ship had developed a manufacturing flaw and it was my only way home). I wonder if her skin has unshrivelled yet.