Changes in the world, from where I stand
For the record: if you meet up with someone that you haven’t seen in close to a quarter of a century, and the conversation picks up like it was only days ago, that person should be sorted into the friend pile.
I get off the bus, five days a week, just on the edge of the walled city. Some mornings, I even go through the gate. I didn’t realize until this evening that my coffee dealer is gone, and that a major building has disappeared. Unrelated incidents, to boot. Are there elves at work when I’m not watching? The bean bin shop will be sorely missed (even though I have an alternate supplier). I just liked the ambience. And in a world where coffee is a valuable commodity, where did the business go?
… pause for a search….
Their website shows no change in status. This is not good (for me or them).
The student vs government parlee is paused, once again. The students claim that the government hasn’t made sufficient concession. The curious public wants to know what the students offered, since that never seems to make it to the headlines. Beating on a tin pot is not equivalent to anything of monetary value. Just so we’re clear.
In the world of education, a school teacher (in a landlocked, oil obsessed province) has been suspended for giving students a mark of zero. Oh. Seems the school has a “no-zero” policy. The official line is that “failing to complete assignments is a behavioural issue and marks should reflect ability, not behaviour.” Hang in there, kiddies. In the real world, employers are allowed to pay you nothing for nothing. Equal value clause.