Making it fit
Sometimes you have to make it fit, all by yourself.
I recently acquired a right-angle finder for our cameras. Useful gadget, even if it doesn’t get used every day. Saves trying to get under the camera when pointed skyward. Avoids moving the camera when in the macro mood. Etc. The only catch is that they don’t make them for newer cameras. But with some patience, a Dremel tool and a good sense of how slow to go: now it fits.
I’ll have to work on “restoring” the finish on the metal clips, but that’s secondary to purpose. Right now, my gear is more versatile than it was a few hours ago, and that’s worth it. In passing, there are deals in the online auction world, as long as you have a clear sense of value (before you start bidding).
I’ve had three laptops cross my desk today. All from the same manufacturer, all with a sudden attack of the blue screen disease. One, it’s bad luck, or damaged hardware. Two, it’s bad luck. Three – fix the drivers. Although I haven’t found the “smoking gun” in the system log files, I suspect that a recent round of updates from Redmond replaced a working solution with something else. The users don’t want to lose “their” machines, and I have other things to do during the workday, but I might have this one under my thumb. I’ll know better after tomorrow, when I get to the third patient. All in the workday of a tech.
And now I’m going to try and find my missing hour of sleep.