Prepare to pay, just a little bit more
A possible Free Trade treaty with the world’s largest nation. Tell me, Stevie Wonder, what would we get in return for our fresh water and minerals?
Thought so…
On to other things. Things where I have an iota of control. Like trying the food from that new Thai takeout place down by the pizza place. At least their menu offers Pad Sew. And after eating my fill, I’m willing to recommend the food to others. Who, like me, have no idea about what “real” Thai food would be like, so we settle for whatever is offered locally. I mean, the whole idea of national cuisine makes no sense (to a Canadian).
I spent some time doing an inventory of optical glassware this evening. Over the last four decades, I’ve purchased a few pieces of craft (want more, but that’s what LBA does to the soul). At least now I have a nicely formatted spreadsheet that shows the focal length, aperture, mount, filter size and such. Less chance of glomming on to a duplicate.
As a story, it only made page 16 in my daily newspaper. In keeping with the new government’s plan for law and order, 18th century style, the price for an official pardon is quadrupling, from $150 to $631. That’s a piece of paper that says, “You’ve done your crime, and paid your time: now, for a token of your appreciation”. You see, in Canada, once a criminal, always a criminal. And that silly, shortsighted clause that let’s us (the government) tell other national officials that you’ve been rehabilitated only can be meaningful if you pay. For the stupid young man that someday wants to go to Disneyland – your hangover is not going to go away that easily.