21st January 2012

Common senselessness

posted in politics |

Last weekend, during a CBC radio show, the narrator took some time to assure us… guys don’t get jane Austen. I didn’t have much prior material to work with, other than some minor contact in high school English class. No, wait, that was Bronte. Right period, wrong name. Anyhow.

This afternoon, some movie played, all afternoon (or so it seemed). Dealing with a book club that was into serial reading of Austen novels. Now I understand what the CBC radio show was trying to say. I didn’t have a clue. On my shortlist of books for the next century – no Austen. I don’t need to know. Call it a sexist reaction. I would not be able to handle any novel where the author didn’t know what her heroine was doing or thinking. Contrary to the writing process.

Locally, the lead story in the newspaper took note of a scheduled concert, this evening. The target audience; young racists. Even listed a Facebook invite (with 21 people on the short list). For what it’s worth, this is definitely a Minority. And other than the inciting a lot of other youth to respond with violent protest, methinks that little was accomplished by giving the story any public exposure. I’ll be waiting to read tomorrow’s front page, to see if there was any battle of the races (so to speak).

For my part, I’m more convinced than ever that the media is without common sense.

The US primaries continue, and today’s poll in South Carolina will provide hours of material for CNN commentary, and an even less clear idea of who the Republican candidate for next November will be.


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