16th January 2012

Whispering about the problem person

posted in pets |

The next time you encounter a cross dog, look it right in the eye and ask the question. “Is your human in need of intervention?”

We’ve been watching the strange but true world of the Dog Whisperer, and it is obvious. Painfully so. Dogs are normal. Humans; not so much. The pooch is simply a mirror of your soul. If the dog wants to dominate, blame the human. If the dog is afraid of everything and everybody, blame the human. So on, as you run your finger down the long list of troubling behaviors.

Sadly, Cesar never broaches the question of what to do with a dog that wants to stay on the sofa, 24/7. Not great TV, I guess. From where I sit, as long as we keep watching (instead of doing), some dog is safe from our wobbling orbit. That’s a good thing.

I did enjoy watching Maggie (the spaniel that stops by) this weekend. Blame it on the frigid air, but each time she went outside to do her duty, the race to get back inside was impressive. No dawdling along the garden pathway. No bird watching. In and out, that fast. I probably could have let her go without that rope (the one we use in case of blizzard, so that people don’t get lost on the way to the barn we’d like to have). She knew what to do.

But she’s gone home, and I have nothing on the waiting list except a maybe snowstorm. All I need is a Star Trek commander, shouting “Make it so!”.


This entry was posted on Monday, January 16th, 2012 at 19:34 and is filed under pets. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 258 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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