1st November 2011

An important anniversary

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Just a quick break to announce my intention to visit a museum, soon. The decision of CBC and SRC to celebrate 75 years on the air means that there are some great displays to catch before September 2012. I should have time.

Don’t be surprised. Few things have changed the cultural environment of Canada like its national TV networks. Yes, two thumbs up to the governments that have kept funding as a fact of life. Woe betide a prime minister that decides to cripple the corporation through lack of imagination. Buy one less airplane!

I wonder what form Canada would have taken if we didn’t have the tube? Could newspapers have supplied the need for timely information, especially in a world where there are more and more people (and by extension, more and more stories that bear telling)? Here’s a challenge; go to a public library near you and load up a microfilm of the daily journal from a century ago. Doesn’t have much immediacy, now does it? The kind of story that could wait until tomorrow wasn’t really news, unless you lived in a world where the story grew in the telling. I’ll keep my evening news, thank you kindly.

Yes, I still receive a newspaper each morning. Except for the editorial copy, there’s rarely a tale worth repeating (and repeating is what the paper does, several hours behind the TV news). Yes, the Internet has changed things, but CBC still provides the majority of my news copy.

Once again; keep your hands off my national networks. Thank you. And now back to our regular programming.




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