15th October 2011

Trapped with other rain-addled shoppers

posted in humour |

Too early to be certain, but I may have to start building that boat I’ve always wanted.

Rainy wx

No mention made of yesterday, or the day before. No way of knowing what is on tap beyond next week. The trend does require some preparation.

There was a possbility of a trip to Club Price (or whatever name it goes by now) today, but we realized that the reality of being in a store with hundreds (thousands?) of other rain-depressed shoppers with oversize carts was one from a parallel universe. So, we skipped. I mean, how many rolls of oversize paper towel do we really need? And the last time I went, the bags of jelly beans were sold out. Instead, I watched more football. Same winning team as last weekend.

What colour is your rainbow? Don’t you need sunshine to have one?

I wonder if my radio room would be more authentic if I had one of these:

Radio clock

Frightfully expensive, but for once I’d have a true collector’s item. And then, someday, my descendents could appear on Antiques Roadshow and make up some far-fetched tale about how I’d received it from the owners of a long since wrecked freighter, where I’d provided the only link to the rest of the world. I like the story, even in skeletal form.

That program is one of the true jewels of PBS. Wherein we see that an ugly, faded lithograph is actually worth the price of a college education, at auction. The italics are an integral part of the description. I don’t know if you’ve ever fallen under the spell of a fast-talking peddler with a gavel, but people do tend to pay odd amounts for mundane objects. And with that, back to watching eBay.





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