22nd September 2011

A variation on the free ride song

posted in environment |

We’re into (yet) another public transportation week in the city. Yawn! I didn’t sleep well last night.

Seriously, it was very polite on the part of the bus driver to tell me my trip was free, this morning.  No need to wave my Opus card in front of the reader. One less beep in my day. Except… my wallet tells me that there was nothing “free” about it. I have already paid for my monthly transit pass. I also pay my share of the public cost of public transit (talk about a double whammy). I doubt the driver was offering up her morning for the greater good of all. Ergo, no free ride. I didn’t even notice an influx of new faces. This is one hand clapping.

Tomorrow is “leave your car at home” day. Not to be heard singing a discouraging air, but the same drivers that didn’t ride for free today will be in their regularly appointed seats on Friday next. In control of the wheel, and the radio, and the cellphone, and the makeup kit, and the coffee cup. Too much to do to do it well.

Just for the record, my monthly pass costs $ 74.75, and I can receive a deduction come tax time. A single ride ticket is $ 2.55 (minimum purchase of a lot of 4) and the cash in the barrel method is $ 2.75 with no possibility of making change. Either you have the proper coins or you up the ante. Over all, not a bad deal (compared to the cost of running a car, what with gas at $ 1.30 / litre).

This entry was posted on Thursday, September 22nd, 2011 at 13:54 and is filed under environment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 269 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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