19th August 2011

No factory tour, this time around

posted in travel |

Now, how did that happen? One minute, I’m happily contemplating the ocean. The next, I’m halfway to home, in a government rate motel room. I should pay better attention to what’s goin’ on. I should be grateful. Vacation could be completely over, instead of almost. I still have a few more hours of reprieve.

We bid adieu to the campground while still in need of coffee, and that didn’t get fixed until the Great Canadian Bagel shop parked beside the car. Not great food, but on a holiday one makes do. I didn’t buy that chanter on the way out of town. Such willpower! Even Souris seemed to be down – both instant money machines were offline.

A stop at the house store put us back on track for factory-built accommodations. Yes, we can vary the plan, as long as we respect the 16 foot width for a section. Yes, a house can be delivered without completed floors, and the wonderful counselor even provided more mechanical drawings of the onsite model, after we’d toured from top to bottom.

I still missed the boat. (Inside joke).

Before getting to Moncton, I remembered that Kent Homes had a factory, somewhere close to Buctouche; we decided to detour and search for the grail. No problem to locate the offices and building yard, given the importance to that community. No, we didn’t get a tour (late Friday afternoons are not recommended for anyone else, either). But, there’s always next year.

And now we’re in Fredericton, satiated by a great Hilltop brace of steaks. The local music store didn’t have any chanters, but I would love to have my own recording workstation.



This entry was posted on Friday, August 19th, 2011 at 20:18 and is filed under travel. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 272 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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