29th July 2011

Sail away from a new found land

posted in travel |

A trip along the arterial road and a stop at the mall were the final touches to the Port-aux-Basques  leg of the trip, before committing ourselves to the compound. First time for everything; we underwent a complete agricultural inspection to assure we hadn’t included any soil in our luggage. Given the short supply of soil here, it seems like a reasonable measure.

At the mall, I considered stocking up on naval beef and scrunchions, but someone who cares about my blood pressure put her foot down; we bought apples.

The tip on the MV Blue Puttees (VXKF) was without incident. Given the foggy conditions, shutting ourselves away in a windowless cabin for several hours seemed to make sense. Besides, wifi and private facilities trump most things at my age. It might have been interesting to hang out with the group from the Musical Ride, but I found their short hair intimidating.

A quick trip up and down Kelly’s Mountain, through the Intervale and along the shore road to Cheticamp saw us checked in to a familiar motel… the laptop remembered the wireless key!

And now we decompress. The constant “go go go” of the Tour of the Rock was hard. Disruptive nap patterns, food with flavour, scenery at every turn. I’m ready for a little break. Cheticamp is about as laid back as I’ve found in Cape Breton

Just checked my luggage, and I have a real grab-bag of shampoo samples to take camping. Wasteful packaging, I agree, but at least my hair will glisten in the sunshine that I’m expecting on my Island.

This entry was posted on Friday, July 29th, 2011 at 20:24 and is filed under travel. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 259 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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