The voice hasn’t changed
How do you get from singing Irish ballads to making public commentary on the economic situation in the land of the Celtic Tiger? In Canada, it’s an easy road.
Back when talent was rare, we recognized rare talent. In the case of Ryan’s Fancy, I made an effort to get out and listen whenever the trio stopped over to the Island. I knew all the lyrics, and with enough encouragement I would sing along. On more than the chorus, which sets one apart in certain public settings. Got myself invited on stage, once… But this story isn’t about that.
Today, someone (younger) posted a YouTube link on Facebook, wherein the street journalist happened to conduct an interview with a passerby. Quite by chance, the interviewee happened to have some professional knowledge about the subject. In this case, economics. Somehow, I doubt the soundbite ever made it to air, given the salty nature of the spiel. Again, this story isn’t about that.
The question was asked, innocently, about what was “going on in Ireland, with the banks and all that”. And the answer was succinct. “Greed, greed and more f***in’ greed”. Here, take a listen.
It was the voice that grabbed my attention. I know that voice, even after thirty years. That’s Denis Ryan! Looking a bit older (don’t we all) and somewhat more dapper than when he kept close company with a microphone. I had some (tiny) doubts about whether or not it could be the lad himself, but the sight of the Citadel in background clinched it. The right place, the right voice, the right sentiments.