Paid no taxes
Perhaps I’ll have to accept that things are going well; on the only day of the season where my local camping supply store offers to absorb “both taxes”, I went for a wander and couldn’t think of anything I really wanted to buy.
I confess, the tent we want to buy next wasn’t in stock, but everything else was superfluous to the cause. I don’t need any more kitchen gadgets, and all of my stoves work well. I don’t play with water purification (one of the advantages of where I like to pitch my tent). But missing a chance to skip taxes, now that hurts.
I’m not one who fixates on the economy; still, the whole mess over in Europe is starting to look like an open sore. The whole game of globalization, as I understand things, is that there is a distributed view of risk. What happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas.
I listened to some talking heads on the radio, who pointed out that we’re not likely to see a meltdown. However (the important part of any argument), we could see demands from our government to “tighten our belts”… political economics means never having to say you’re sorry, or having to use prudence. Remember, our government was certain that there was no danger of a recession. Remember.
But enough of the dismal science. The school year draws towards another close, and in about fifty days, the last of the kiddies will have put secondary school habits away. Our turn will come.