When the spenders just don’t get it
Here we go (again). Give some people a little power and they think they know better than everyone around them. We elected a compromise to Ottawa last time around, in the guise of government. A minority. Now, they have decided to do just that, compromise (in the worst sense of the word).
This is not a budget, per se. Those can get a minority government into real trouble. No, this is just an announcement of some cuts in intended spending. On the back of another announced surplus, the “blue team” has decided to show the rest of the country who is in charge of the puck this period.
Back when the “blue team” was officially opposed to the “red team”, they saw fit to criticize any number of things, including various forms of social spending. Now, with a summer to get the old confidence game in place (again in the worst sense) the cuts can begin, to those same programs that were so easy to criticize.
The part that angers me is that the cuts seem petty, spiteful, everything but mature. The people in Summerside didn’t elect a “blue team member”? Cut jobs. The illiterates are easier to control? Cut in the literacy programs. Happy homeowners don’t like conservative measures? Cut in the mortgage programs.
I think you get the idea. We have a war that can easily eat up any supposed surplus during the next fiscal period, so let’s cut while people don’t notice…
Bah. Humbug. I notice, and I will do whatever I can to help those around me to remember what cheap shots are like, should a chance to return to the voting booth occur. I too can remember.