Watch ’em if you got ’em
The local videoclub is finally starting to notice my viewing habits. Let’s face it; we shouldn’t have to consider the late fee as part of the deal. Now, many of the local choices are offered for seven days at a go. Not because I want to watch a title over and over. Because I want to watch it once before it goes back.
We signed out three titles last weekend, watched the first one the same evening. Watched the second title the next day. And then… well, with the weekend over it left that third title sitting. So, this evening, with only hours to spare, I overruled the local television choosers and slipped the DVD to “Play”.
Obligatory movie review follows.
The movie “The Producers” was originally screened back in 1968. Given where I lived and my age, I didn’t go to a theatre to see it. My contact was years later, probably on late weekend TV. Good movie, with a catchy soundtrack. Gene Wilder was still a new face. Mel Brooks was a producing virgin.
Hollywood does remakes and sequels, more often than they want to admit. This time, the bottle still contained some magic, and “The Producers (2005)” was released. Some great voices behind the faces; the reunion of Timon and Simba from “The Lion King”. Uma Thurman, all six feet of her. A soundtrack with an actor who “can really sing” in Matthew Broderick (who knew?).
The movie is done in the style of dancing musicals from the 1950’s for those with a nostalgia for such material; kids, keep up those tap lessons. The plot is full of camp, and not the summer by the lake type. No computer-generated graphics to distract.
If you want to rent something that will end up making you laugh along the way, I highly recommend this pair.