School bells are ringing
Face it. Summer was short and the weather was ordinary, and now it’s a new school year. My city bus has returned to a schedule that makes sense. The kilts are back; never out of style, just back. The faces are familiar again. My kids all got out of bed today.
Disjunctive sentences. Not at all. It’s reassuring to see that the summer didn’t “lose” too many of the regulars from the bus routes. A few of the kilted lassies graduated to institutions of slightly higher learning, but on the whole, my morning neighbourhood has gone back to normal. In ten months, I can start to dream about my “next” vacation.
Around the office, you’d think we’d found a new faith. Everybody is back in the saddle, and the place is productive. This whole thing of giving people a chance to “recharge their batteries” makes a great deal of sense.