An extra day to relax
This is one of the bigger long weekends of the year. Schools are open, but the weather keeps us in a summer frame of mind. Often, this is the last real chance for travel before we start to think about snow as a road mode. I, for one, managed to make the weekend even longer by taking an extra day off from my normal routine.
However, by being home at a time that falls outside of the ordinary, I’m also out of sync with the rest of my world. Even the dog is confused by the extra attention. No travel in view, just a day at home to “get things done”. And there is no problem with getting a list of extra timefillers. I made a mad run to the bank at a time that usually sees me on a bus, and got back before the car was really needed.
Then, there were boxes of books to move down (gravity needs assistance from time to time. A kitchen to clean, slightly. A trip to the grocery store, where I proved my ability to misjudge load weight – the two carrier bags barely sufficed for the walk back home. Things to pick up outside (when did we acquire so many broken brooms?).
Upstairs, the new extra bedroom is still not clear of the detritus from its former inhabitant, so I renewed acquaintance with our home laundry and recycling facilities. Pity about that window blind that no longer handles rewind.
I did have the right to choose background music: The Art Of The Trombone serves to keep me awake while tackling domestic chores. The dog wasn’t amused.