11th September 2024

More than a game

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I do not chess. Play chess. I did a long time ago learn the names of the pieces I think that most school children get to that point. However I have never found a need to immerse myself in the strategies and history of the various games. Happily we have a parallel world known as politics. If you take the time to study a little history at more than the most basic level you start to see that chess and politics are closely related. Am I willing to take on a new life as a student of chess? Do I want to know about four dimensional chess someone rumoured? Not at all I am happy to leave that job to others with a deeper seated interest. Instead I will continue to stand back and watch. Chess and politics. The whole world is watching, right now, as the campaign for president unfolds. Any race that is still neck to neck with only two months to run means that there’s something more going on than simple moves. And once you start to see the parallels you will notice them elsewhere. In the office? Of course. In the daily news? Of course happily I have never had a dog that tried to play chess with me. I think we had much more of a checkers relationship. I do like that there is so much history left to learn. About both the game and the politics that surround me. We need to have parallels in our lives. It keeps us from testing multiple possibilities that could cause deeper problems. In that sense chess is a proxy for life.

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