10th September 2024

My driving record

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In retrospect I have a very good driving record. Almost flawless with a couple of minor exceptions. My first entry into the hall of shame happened in the driver’s education car during the driver’s course after school. You see, over time I gathered experience and hubris. And the consequence was that I placed that huge car on top of a snow bank. I then had the memorable pleasure of pushing it back down. Education. My next moment happened a few months later. I had a little too much confidence in fact, I had a little too much hubris and I was out in the Main Street of town on my bicycle. Following two motorcycles. When they peeled off and did a U-turn I decided I could do just as well. And I drove straight into the side of an oncoming car. No injuries other than to my pride and my pocketbook. I had broken the aerial for the radio on his car and he was determined not to pay for it but for me to pay for my foolishness. The police were summoned and after confirming my identity and my stupidity the police told me simply to pay the bill. Which I did by driving out to the man’s place of employment out in the country later that week and handing over all of the money in my wallet. About $10 as I remember. Things cost less in those days. Just for the record, the bicycle was red which did not make it go any faster. That same bicycle was later destroyed in a glorious accident near my home. That moment got me a ride in an ambulance.


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