Hail to the chief
And another day’s useless energies spent; but at least there was some humour along the way. I’ve just watched the new Will Ferrell tribute to the latest former president, along with son #3 who can laugh with the best of them. Political humour (is there any other kind?) To be fair, the show drags in a few places, but then again, so did the last eight years.
This is the first time I’ve combined new technologies and datastreams to get something “on” that isn’t already due for the national archives. I even managed to pause the program once, with less than stellar results, by playing around with the tiny remote control that lives inside my laptop. It seemed like a good thing to add when I was creating my Dell about eight months ago; this was the first time I’ve actually convinced it to pop out of the hidey-hole, and the tiny buttons are a challenge when your hand no longer fits in a baby glove.
Back to the humour. When someone takes the time to string anecdote after anecdote, it all comes back to haunt us. We have probably seen the worst of times (politically) in the last decade. Up here in Canada, we’re not out of the woods yet, due to the voters purchasing GPS systems that were meant for life in Alberta, but there’s new optimism. Remember, this is the second comedy within a year about the “just-ended presidency”; no other world-class politician has elicited such attention, to my knowledge. There has also been a great satiric interview in Rolling Stone last month. What’s that old line about leaving them laughing?