5th January 2024

Please leave te door open

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I’m going to start with a disclaimer. A spoiler alert in some ways. I have never been to jail, other than a visit to historical site how was dinner gallery. Hardly counts. Here, in Canada we have a certain number of prisons that are famous. For all the wrong reasons. And we shadow, rather are overshadowed, by our neighbours to the South. They have some really big names. Ones that have had whole movies. Alcatraz, Leavenworth, sing sing. Dots on a very large map. Turns out most of what we know about these prisons has been coloured by Hollywood. I’m left to wonder whether it is worth my time to try and learn more. I mean, give him my intention to avoid ever going there either as a visitor or an inmate. What I really want to have is a basic knowledge of what made these places so infamous. Probably I do not want to know. Can I have the cartoon version, please. Or maybe go on a drive on the highway going by and look across and say to myself oh so that’s where that place is. Do any of them have passenger rail service? That could be a fun way to tour. Probably not, so I will go back to watching video. They give me all the wrong information. Maybe I would like a cartoon version. A name like sing sing invites a song, does it not? Better than I put my time into studying local history. We turned our most famous jail into a pizza joint. We had good food and good people.

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