4th January 2024

Relative input

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We have been warned. Too much time and we will start looking for ways to do things. Without due reflection. I have fallen back down into that tunnel of rabbit holes that leads people to search for who they are. What used to be a simple exercise of asking others and going through old parish records now has a new friend. Science. Where you pay a small fee and spit in a tube in a couple of weeks you learn who your cousins are. Or maybe not. Now I have spent the better part of my life trying to figure out my tree. I have done a decent job and I realize just how much our privacy depends upon other people not digging too deeply around that tree. And so now I’m caught with a conundrum. I do not figure that I would learn anything of great value by having my test done. But I am one part of a larger puzzle at anytime you make yourself visible you give up the privacy of others. I know, we are all told that we are unique. So be it. But I have a bunch of siblings and a larger group of cousins an even larger group of relatives. Anytime I give up my identity I also compromise there’s. And I am too lazy to go and contact each one that I know of and ask for their accordance. So I hesitate. What is the price of increased knowledge? You see, when you get into this game you give away clues to your identity. And what you make public might be what someone else has been trying to keep hidden from the greater world. I think I will sit and ponder and then I will ask a few friends. And relatives. Just to test the prevailing wind. Do they care if the world knows who their grandparents and great grandparents are. I have the receipts. I have done my research with diligence. And if I tell my first cousin that his or her great grandparents are so and so I do so with a fair degree of confidence but they may not want that information to be so easily available in some ways I am the keeper of the keys to a great chest of knowledge. Each detail in and of itself is very minor but when you consolidate the data you end up with something larger. Monolithic.

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