8th November 2023

Others may know

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When solving problems do not rely upon experience. Also look at the symptoms. We had a new condition on the RV after winterization. The water pump would not shut off. Now someone with less experience would jump to the conclusion that the pump must be broken so I should order a new one. But that isn’t the only solution. Thanks to the other minds who frequent user forum, she who owns the vehicle learned that if a pump does not have access to liquid it gets insulted. It stays on wanting to solve a problem that does not exist. By adding another couple of gallons or jugs of winterization juice which you may know is antifreeze to the water tank everything returned to normal. Going forward we will know this but without the help of other minds in the forum the solution would not have been obvious. We can now go ahead towards winter without that niggling worry of why doesn’t the water pump turn off. Some problems do have solutions and they do not require you to replace parts or call in expensive experts. Do your research. There is a large world of expertise out there just waiting to be asked. And no, winter is not upon us yet, but our days are counted. I see the temperature and I know that water freezes. I know that I would, too, if I decide to hang around outside for too long. I wonder what life is like for those who live in really warm places. You know, where it never freezes.

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