7th November 2023

Hold still for the zap

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Based on what I can hear it’s a windy evening. I’m not going outside to check because I don’t need to move around that much. Anyhow we had a day in this city. More precisely a day at the local hospital where I go from time to time for my eyes. Because I want to keep track of these things, I’ll use this as a place to document what happened. We arrived on time. Give or take a minute or two. And on today’s list of things to get done a chance to look at the laser. I know those devices come with strict warnings about not looking at them, but my doctor has other ideas and so after a suitable number of eye drops, to shrink or enlarge the parts that he wanted to look at; I was told to sit in the proper seat and look at the bright light. And then he sat and etched a path around my iris. I did not see it, but I could hear it and feel it. I think I have 30 new tiny holes. Little tender and there was some nausea involved that’s all part of the game. The whole object of this exercise is to keep my internal pressures down. Currently, it summers around 9 and he would like to see things a little lower. All very subjective. But with the promise that I could come back in a couple of weeks for another look, alone another laser, we returned home. Everyone is talking about snow tires right now. Not us because ours are in order but everyone else is comparing notes on whether or not they’re ready for the inevitable snow. We will be because we have no long range travel plans until the new shoes are in place. Also, winter starts slowly, and we should not have any big accumulation until after the holiday season. Still a long way off. And, back home, I returned my usual place to do the usual things. No sudden improvement in my eyesight but the doctor assured me that all those holds would not give me a perforated remove as wanted section. It’s a doctor thing I guess.

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