25th October 2023

Is that your real voice

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We become accustomed to the voices of those around us. After all, it is part of their character. And we also forget that in the world of television some people have assumed voices. I don’t mean like cartoon because that would be too easy. This afternoon I watched an interview where the actor confirmed that the voice they use in daily life has nothing to do with their voice on screen. The on-screen timbre of the voice as well as the accent and the choice of vocabulary were all part of the role. If you think about that keeping your voice in character day after day for almost a decade is perhaps the biggest challenge faced by that actor. Go ahead. Assume a fake voice. Now use that voice for more than a few minutes. Not simple. I admit, I’m using the same voice I’ve had for decades and my accent is mine and my choice of vocabulary is based purely upon what I have learned. No need to change things up. Going forward, I will probably watch television in a different way. For a whole set of reasons but that’s not important. Today I’m referring only to an assumed voice. What about you? Have you ever used a different voice for more than a few minutes? Let me know if you meet me. Or, if you would like to try it, talk to your dog in a different voice. Pretty hard to fake out a dog. Or take your telephone and call a complete stranger. Do it twice or three times. Change up your voice on each try. Do they catch on? Well then you might have a new career in view. Just a thought

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