24th October 2023

A good day to dye

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Look deep into my eyes. For some a request that is almost romantic for others it is just part of their trade. I tend to visit people who have medical degrees in looking deep into my eyes. And they take the craft seriously. Bright lights lasers some wicked drops and today, for this edition, dye. Yes DYE. The colourful stuff. This morning I was hooked up to a makeshift IV and the nurse ran about 20 millilitres of mixture. Thorazine and saline apparently. And then a few minutes later the technician looked deep into my eye and claimed that there were new things visible. I can’t claim to know for sure, but they have pictures. I am more interested in the aftereffects. All that dye had to go somewhere. And in my case I developed a new skin colour. Almost yellow apparently. And then I was able to get rid of the excess in my urine stream. Bright yellow almost like pie filling. They will tell me later if they found anything interesting for now it meant that I got to spend a couple of hours at the local hospital. Downstairs. Where life is quiet. And after I was given the thumbs up, we headed out in the direction of home. I did go for pizza. Tasty very hot another place that did not make me flinch. I will go back there again. We could have gone to any number of restaurants I suppose but this time around we’re in an old railroad utility building. Where they used to repair the locomotives apparently. Now tourists are welcomed including a large number from a tour from a cruise boat in the harbour. I wonder what these people make of my hometown. Is it just one stop out of many or do they look upon it as a chance to visit an important place. I suppose I should talk to some of them someday. Not today. We had other things to do. Getting home to dream about winter and all that means. The latest on the list of things to buy will be four new snow tires.

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