16th October 2023

Periodic pressure checks

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The world of metrics. I like being able to measure things. When the new van came with a feature called TPMS I was over the top. No more getting out with a gauge to measure tire pressures. Just look at the console. And I’m thinking, how practical that would have been say 20 years ago. Imagine if I had been able to simply look at a console and see what my optical pressures were. Imagine all the problems I could have saved myself from. But that’s not how it works. Anyhow today I went down to the big city for a checkup. In the same way that you take your car to a garage for checkups I go to a clinic with a doctor and he takes care of checking my eye pressures. There within limits right now and they continually monitor the situation. It is almost like a day of games. Really awful video games. But you do what you can. It did get me out of the house for the day and we did some minor shopping and even though it rained and blew wind all afternoon I did not care. I find that now I remember on a regular basis the names of my eye drops. That in itself is a victory. And I hold firm with the idea that for almost 20 years I’ve managed to get the drops in place each day. No laziness there. But I still think, how practical it would have been to have had pressure management back when this all started. Oh well. I can let others know that they should check their pressures even if it requires getting the help of highly trained medical staff. You do not get a second go around.

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