15th October 2023

In the absence of a ghost village

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From time to time, I come across videos that show off ghost towns. Nothing to do with phantoms. These are small towns that have been abandoned by their inhabitants for any number of reasons. I started thinking with that in the context of Canada and although most provinces have small, abandoned towns this province does not. The closest we’ve come is the town where the ferry used to dock. Even there the local stayed in place and found other things to do. It does make me think though. If I go around here, I can find abandoned houses. Some of them quite old. But no towns. This is a part of the country where the population is always needed to use the land. We run things densely. And if you already have a road and a clear piece of land then put another house in place. Hence no ghost towns. There are a few churches but even they tend to get bought up by tourists with too much money on their hands. I imagine that insulating those large windows costs more than I would want to have to do. And if you ever been to church you know the furnace never quite kept up with the need. But so be it. We were at a different point and the idea of a tent city is never far from people’s minds. It does not take much to pitch a tent and wait for the police to roll by. Often, they’re too busy to be concerned with your humble needs. And although we are surrounded by water, I have not heard of anybody taking up residence in a boat. Oh well. I will continue to watch videos and dream of what might have been.

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