5th October 2023

Minor hunger pang

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Go figure. Today I have itchy eyes. And no idea how to fix the problem. Maybe this is just my body saying we need some fast food. Even though that would be an oxymoron. The nearest fast food restaurant is probably an hour away in each direction and by the time I get there I beyond something else. Actually, back when I lived in the big city there was constant access to fast food and I did not bother then either. Always some excuse. Did I really want a hamburger so badly that I would make my bus ride an extra hour longer to get home? Rarely. And I was very aware of budgets. Even something like a cheap hamburger meant planning ahead. There are more important things to spend their money on. I watched the constant dance of the very rich as someone who claims to be rich is about to lose his buildings. I never had that problem and I just wonder to see also you’re in for a hamburger? Maybe with a bit of extra fat all his problems would go away. But, back to itchy eyes. Could it be that the pollen count is up? At this late time in the season I doubt that’s what it is all about. Probably something simple like my drops are disagreeing with me. Or not. In any case it is probably a good thing that I live so far away from fast food. Can you imagine if there was a restaurant right next door and I would be willing to spend far above my means for a little bit of almost instant gratification? If the industry is depending upon me they have picked the wrong source of cash. In fact, I am not sure if I even have any cash on hand. There might be a few nickels and Dimes in the bottom of a drawer but hardly enough to pay for an expensive burger because like everything else inflation has taken hold. I suspect without actual proof that going for a burger has turned into something that I would not be willing to do budget wise. I guess I’m getting cheap in my old age. And we have food at home. I wonder what my grandparents would have thought of such crazy ideas. I do not think my grandmother ever went for a quick burger in her whole life. Not her plan. Instead she kept the kitchen stove hot so that food could be prepared quickly.

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