4th October 2023

Governmental demographics

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I try to avoid paying attention to who is in the seats of authority in government. However the last couple of days mark a couple of firsts in Canadian history. After a power shift in Manitoba we now have our first First Nation premiere. After some turbulence in the House of Commons we have our first black Canadian as the speaker. Minor details but in the Canadian context that’s all we really have. I wait to see what will happen next locally. Outside more great weather. The lawn has never had such tender loving care as during the last week. Are we in the running for golf course of the week? I do not know. There were no telephone calls of note. Another marker in my days. Since I do not telephone anyone else and since my list of correspondents has shrunk to an all time low, not getting any calls makes perfect sense. I also do not get much snail mail. I really cannot remember the last time I wrote a letter so that also makes sense. Almost as if we gone back several centuries in time. Before my time at least. Even Amazon delivered nothing today. Anything else of note? Well, I am still here talking about nothing. Based on the Seinfeld method I might soon get my own TV show. I suppose I could go downstairs and practice changing a guitar string. How desperate am I for something to do? I did have a submarine sandwich today made with TLC in my own kitchen. Sorry subway but you have been bumped from my list of preferred providers. For the record just a little bit of mustard makes all the difference on the ham sandwich. And the garbage is out. Not to the road but out. A careful dance on my part to make sure that I went from point A to point B without losing any content along the way. How I missed the carefree days of old when this was just part of my routine. Now it’s about all I have left.

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