2nd September 2023

An incomplete education

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I am slowly coming to terms with a simple fact. I am not as well educated as I had hoped. Despite a lifetime in pursuit of knowledge I keep coming across things that seem to have slipped into the floorboards. I cannot blame those that design the curriculum in my high school. They probably did their best. And yet. Today I looked at a book that I have not read. There are so many but this one holds a special corner in most bookshelves. I am talking of course of the Canterbury Tales. I have not read the book. I did not understand the language then or now and I did not realize that what we have on our shelves is only a portion of the whole collection. Blame history. The little that I didn’t know was that this was supposed to be tales from a voyage. Almost like a bus tour if you will. A collection of people who normally would not be in each others company forced to spend time together. And so according to the prologue they spent their time telling tales. We will never know if these were tall tales or truths but they help to examine the fabric of a society. Not my society. Something which happened centuries before my birth. But such things take a long time to filter down an even longer time to fade away. Society still has rolls and people still travel and people still tell stories. The great truth of our culture. Will this push me to read the text? No I keep hoping for a movie version. One produced according to the state-of-the-art with the best of characters. However I doubt that will happen in my lifetime or yours. Details may be universal but nobody really cares anymore. None of us are going to go on a long trip to a church.
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