1st September 2023

Drying the air

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This afternoon we added another appliance to our household menagerie. Technically a dehumidifier. It has been a long time since the last one. From what I remember almost three decades. We have changed locations and houses but moisture is a constant here in Canada. We’re not dealing with an overabundance of water. This is simply caution at a cost. Buying something like this requires a sense of space. How large is the area and will drainage be a problem. Probably not. This box will sit by itself at night and in the morning the levels in the collection bin will be checked. If there is too much water it will simply be dumped outside. No fuss, no mess. I keep thinking about all the other things we can do with it when it’s not in service. We can put it in the basement which is dry and see if it is really dry. We can put it in the garage which is dry and see if it’s really dry. We can place it outside which would be a silly move because we know how wet that area is. And we can loan it to anybody else that is having an emergency. Good neighbors and all that. Sure beats getting out the towels and wiping up after ourselves. In the other house we were built on stone and moisture was an issue. Here we’re up high with constant wind and I do not think that the appliance will be overworked. As I said, just another tool in the household menagerie.

This entry was posted on Friday, September 1st, 2023 at 17:45 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 259 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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