Just a puff of air
On social media, someone was fretting about an impending eye exam, and feared receiving a bit of cold air on the eyeball. First of all, based upon my studies with the GMS (Google Medical School), the test is known as the “tonometric air puffer test”. And if that’s the most invasive thing you have faced then you are among the fortunate. I’ve had close to twenty years of professionals peeking and peering and sticking pointed devices into my ocular globes (needles in the vernacular). I’m a survivor! Just wait until the drops take over your life.
I know, we’re all tired of talking about more serious things. In the last day, I’ve lost a family menber to the side effect of our pandemic response. In another part of the nation (real separation, not this namby-pamby two meter plan) a family member with the desired double vax has tested positive for the virus. This throws a whole set of travel plans into the “start again, please” file. If someone in government tells you that things are under control, snicker and turn away. No need to be polite.
People have been staying at home, and my perception is that we now appreciate the comfort of a warm, dry house. In the last year, house prices have increased by more than 25 %. I am sure that your wages, or savings or other measures of how well you are doing have not followed this curve. For someone (young, of old) that wants to buy a new home, this might not be the best moment. And if you do have a place, stay put. Don’t get all keen on growing your personal fortunes, because everybody’s house went up by this rate, and you might find living in a tent in mid winter to be less fun than you think, as you gloat about your bank book balance.