6th July 2021

In the market for a castle or two?

posted in economy |

Slow news day: we have a replacement governor-general. There doesn’t seem to be an actual training course for the job, which is why we have had a line of retired politicians, journalists, astronauts, etc. The flavour for today day is “comes from the far north”. Since the person is there to approve, not make policy, it probably won’t affect me.

A local high school valedictorian has given a speech. Eleven times. The restriction on gathering size required that the ceremonies be done, over and over. I have to assume that the content is now thoroughly tested. There’s a great future ahead for the honor(ed) student. Oh, and in the “no surprise” category, next step will be law school.

What has the pandemic meant, in economic terms?. We may not actually know for a long time, but the liquor control board has announced “best sales ever”, despite an absolute decline in visitors and festivals and pretty much everything else. Read into that what you will. And it’s not just a local variation. Sales are up, nationally

There are now two different castles for sale on the Island. And in a complete break with my usual lifestyle, I’ve visited both, several times. They’re a bit small, but having your own castle must come with certain bragging rights. I wonder if there’s anything interesting in the moat. The realtor is getting a lot of interested calls; some want to see photos of the kitchens. I don’t think you should buy any castle, sight unseen. Certainly not these one. Spoiler alert; the site used to be a tourist attraction.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 6th, 2021 at 19:14 and is filed under economy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 261 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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