2nd May 2021


posted in pets |

Mathematics; no way to avoid the stuff. Why just today I watched a feeder globe, filled with seeds, fly through the air before delivering a paload to the lawn.Twice! And it landed in the same spot on both occasions! Math is the only way to explain how this worked.

Let me explain; the feeder was on the end of a long metal rod, planted in the lawn. Both times, the dog managed to wrap his rope around things, and the combination of various forces provided the rest. Oh, yes; the dog and the rope. Well, he’s an idiot. When outside, he is tethered for his own safety. There’s more. Remember when you played chase, at school, and certain children were always able to remain just beyond your grasp? Again, there’s math involved. And here, the dog is attracted to a certain vulpine redhead that comes and hunkers down, just out of reach. Over and over again, the dog attempts to get close enough for a true examination (of odours, etc). And over and over again, our visitor is able to elude the interested dog. Really fun to watch, and I’m convinced (again) that there is math at work. Or play. Unsure, actually. I did mention that the dog is an idoit. Completely outclassed at the game. There has never been a completed catch; foxes, squirrels, chipmunks are all equally adept.

A dog with better math skills might try save a few meters of cord, for the final lunge. This dog, despite years of playing, has never made that intellectual leap.




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