Mask at the ready
This afternoon, in Montreal, someone phoned the police to report a hostage situation. At the headquarters of a top computer gaming company. Turned out to be a hoax, but it shows you how quickly things can turn sour. Meanwhile, to the south, the defeated president continues with his game plan (holding the nation hostage, waiting for him to concede). Come on, there are better games available.
Indeed, I stumbled across a treasure trove of .Z5 files, allowing me to explore the back catalogue from Infocom. Games, free of graphics and special effects. I yearn for that bygone time, when you typed until something good happened (or you were swallowed by a grue). I intend to see how well this material will run on a tablet; the typing is really slow, but the only impediment is battery life.
Looks like Trump’s next big plan for world domination involves starting a digital news service, to rival Fox. Can’t make this stuff up.
We’ve almost completed another Friday the 13th; for the really superstitious among us, 2020 would be the equivalent of steroids. Actually, not much seems to be attributable to the date, but I’m waiting for midnight before I uncross anything.
A review of the “top 20 mask choices” is proof that we’re entering a different mindset. Yes, I do put on a mask in public places… except that I avoid such moments. As a result, my mask is pretty much like new. Not putting it up for sale, though. We have a long winter ahead. Stay safe, like me!