And then, the wall came tumbling down
Who should you believe? For the last few years, a common rebuttal to pretty much anything newsworthy is that it is “fake news”. Doesn’t matter about the provenance. When in doubt, disparage.
Yesterday, or the day before, a wall blew down. Not the whole wall, but enough to be symbolic. Remember, THAT wall. Well, this time around there is video footage, and unless the story comes with a whole studio of special effects, we can assume the accuracy of the report. Pretty hard to fake winds of that intensity (thank you #Hanna). The wind did blow and the wall came tumbling down. No “battle of Jericho”. No trumpets. Excuse me, one correction; the story does come with a “trump”, so, close enough.
The official response from the government is that the video involves a different wall. Someplace else. Not THE wall. I guess we’ll see. I’m sure someone with “street cred” will wander on by, after the winds abate, and we can find out if the wall belongs to anyone in particular.
In other news, the debate about whether wearing a mask wages on. Now, I’m a believer. Others have drawn from the well waters of anti-vax, using the same ideology. For the record, the pandemic isn’t a hoax, and if you wear a mask, you won’t die quickly. We all die, eventually. But, this isn’t a huge plot to get “you”.
I do own a mask, and if I ever decide to leave the safety of my home, I’ll bring it along. Please wave, if you see me.