26th October 2008

More than faces on exhibit

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The best reason for keeping Facebook around is for the pictures. After all, where else could I actually have photos of the family and friends without a) charging up the camera, b) sitting in the car for the best part of a day and c) catching those far and dear to me in the moments that are meant to be shared… or not…

I could probably add to the wealth of material on there by simply letting the laptop webcam run and hitting “snap a picture” from time to time. A chance for the world to see me as my screen sees me; squinting over the top of my glasses, glaring at the people around me for some bothersome noise (rap music does that), with all my hair in disarray. Instead, I’ve decided to play nicely with others and not upload that sort of material anywhere else.

Webcams are an odd tool to keep around. The very first one that I “operated” kept an eye on the soccer pitch at school. A good, well-rounded use for a webcam. Others have been set to see if the dog does sleep all day (more hours than I do) or witness truancy. But this built-in jobbie is unique. It has an interest in staying focused, which led a friend during a Skype conference to demand if I was planning on a remake of Blair Witch Project. Especially, when I call some firm in another city/country, there are those nearby who worry that my imaged is now international. Not likely.

Back to Facebook; it has gone far beyond cheeks and jowls. I now see hills and trucks and barely controlled motorcycles; lawns and gardens and Wardrooms; pubs and meals and marriages. Let’s rebaptise this as Microworldbook and get on with things.

This entry was posted on Sunday, October 26th, 2008 at 17:17 and is filed under media. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 294 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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