Another failed search
My own version of a failed search: this afternoon, I made a batch of pork curry. In the absence of coconut milk, I used a Google request to see if there might be a substitute available in my own kitchen. That can of condensed milk looks ideal, pitch it in. Finish adding other ingredients, put everything into a slow cook pattern, move along.
When she who actually knows where stuff is kept around here returned from a woodland inspection trip (she does everything!), she pulled three cans of coco-lait from the pantry. Yes, the same one I had searched scant hours before. How did she do that? Is there magic afoot, in my own home? Just for the record, the curry turned out fine.
The electoral commentary is staying its course. Where else can one find so much slander in a legalized envelope? Saying many of the things that people throw out there would see you before a judge, in normal times. In campaign mode, just part of the background noise. And yes, this applies on both sides of the border. Whatever happened to civil debate? Was that ever a thing? I’m too young to be sure.
Another hurricane making the news. This time, not headed our way: Europe is in the crosshairs, and just like here the experts are trying to guess the path. Should be done by mid-week. And that snowstorm, in western Canada? Not as big a deal as the Weather Network had calculated. Just a polite reminder to get the snow tires out of storage. Canada, eh.
I decided to read the (really, really) fine print on an ad from an alternate ISP. Imagine a world where “speeds up to 1 MBs” after you reach the cap on your uncapped service is actually seen in a positive light.