7th October 2018

Taking care of the next generation

posted in health, photography |

I have been warned to check a sudden onset of pneumonia: now that I’ve made it through two nights of sleep, and I have no fever, aigue, etc. I am going to declare myself “on the mend”. The lack of appetite is a side effect.

After being lobbed a question about the basics of ISO as it pertains to exposure, I clued in that we have someone else with more than a passing interest in photography. And so I did what any parent with an  sense of empathy and an overflow of technology would do. I packed up a CARE package of gear from the collection. With a DSLR and a couple of lenses, the world becomes your oyster.

The lawn is freshly mown. Too cold to smell the difference; with any luck that won’t be an issue until well after the snow is all gone again. No, we have no snow yet, but being ready for a sudden onset of winter is just the voice of experience whispering “Winter Is Coming”.

I’m still following university football via Twitter, and the Rouge&Or pulled off a nailbiter this afternoon, in overtime. The next two games should be easier, and the playoffs will be what they will be. Sure would like for our national TV networks to pay more attention to my preferences. If we miss another afternoon of golf, the world will still turn. Get you act together, CBC.

Actually, most coverage on my “big screen” is uninspiring. No wonder Netflix rules the world. Stop signing those overpriced contracts with the name sports; bring me some curling, college ‘ball and a bit of the rare stuff. Irish hurling, perhaps.

This entry was posted on Sunday, October 7th, 2018 at 20:52 and is filed under health, photography. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 274 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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