None. One. Both?
Peer pressure and penetrating oil are a powerful combination. This afternoon, I finally “cracked” my way in to the guts of the mower. I deserve to get this thing fixed, right? Perhaps by someone else. Let me explain.
I’m now cautious, when I try to repair things. Too many years of on-the-job experience with (other people’s) expensive equipment. A rookie might assume that fixing is direct; you just “do it” and go on to the next problem on list. Well, in a perfect universe, perhaps.
Under the hood (sic) of the mower I was ready to change the “coil” despite zero experience with what that could be. Bought the piece at the dealer, and returned, triumphantly. That was before the saga of the stripped screws. Fast forward. Inside, the coil was there, right where I had been told to look. In fact, there were two of them…
I don’t know much about small motor mechanics. I read quickly, and can think my way through most things. That’s the real problem. Do I have one faulty coil? Or two? Or none? The mower runs, just not for long. Should I try to “regap” the coil? Which one? Now the “failed math but learned to go on” side of my brain kicks in. I can go, in teeny steps. In short, this job is far from over, and I may need to spend more money before claiming my victory lap. Once or twice around the property, so to speak.
Don’t mention the spark plugs, please. Exploding brain syndrome.
I can take the practical approach and call in the dealer. With his expensive transport trailer, and a limitless access to parts. Eventually, he will get it fixed. And I will pay.