8th October 2024

At the end

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So, do your arms hurt? Both of them? All that good you received jabs on both sides and now the magical DNA is being re-sequenced just for you to keep you safe from all kinds of new versions of disease good thing right? I guess you had to be there. My arms feel like someone hit me with a baseball bat but it will pass in a couple of days. I won’t even remember. I hope. We’re on a new adventure. Somewhere in the Wilds of New Brunswick close to an old train station. I’ve been here before but it was a very long time ago and so I cannot claim to know where I am where things can be found . In fact a local came to ask us if we needed any assistance in finding our way to the campsite. He was insistent about it which means that others may have come this way and been lost in the woods for days. There was a dead moose by the side of the road. Not a good sign. We also passed over some train tracks but I have not heard a train so I can only guess at how much traffic there is here at night. Perhaps enough to kill a moose. As you can guess we are at the tail end of tourism by this point most sites have already closed for the season I think we may have the last one still accepting customers. We have not seen the owners yet but that is just a detail. We are parked and the electricity works. We brought our own water just in case. As you become more experienced in camping you take care of the things you can and leave the rest to chance. I am so resilient they have not even asked how long we plan on staying here. Just another mystery in my life. A pretty area though with a lot of trees have changed colours. I think that’s what brings the tourists to the area although we haven’t seen any of those either. As I said we are at the end of the season. Title at the end

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