6th October 2024

Keeping a float

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Around the same time then I was finishing high school I learned some new meanings for the word float. Early on, years before I learned that putting ice cream in my fizzy beverage was delicious. We called it a float. I then went off to swimming lessons in the local lake where I learned how to float. As a side note fresh water and salt water do not work the same way. Because they finished high school I got my first real summer job in a local Marina. This only lasted for a few months before I went off to university but it was every day. We pumped gas. Small volumes for small boats in large volumes for the occasional power boat. All of this On a cash only basis. We had to make a lot of change because most of the transactions or for around a dollar. On a cash only basis. Fuel cost less in those days. The biggest day for the whole summer would have been for just over $100. And with such small amounts you had to keep an accurate cash box period. So at the beginning of each shift we would count our float and then at the end of the shift we would recount our float trying to balance things it’s usually worked out because when you have a lot of time spent spending around the water you gain an intense interest in doing your job properly. Few real distractions if you did not follow him. Also on another side note a cash box does not always float. The out of the cash in the box was rarely more than a few dozen dollars. As soon as you had any great amount you did a quick balance took the cash inside and put it in the walk in vault leftover from the days when this was a factory. I took great pride in having my cash balance every day. TITLE keeping a float.

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